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To meet the road,
you need to be able to take the road.

at w.a.c. cycles, there is no such thing as ‘just’ an oil change. we have created our own comprehensive 37 point checklist for scheduled maintenance intervals so that every nut and bolt is scrutinized by master technicians, not part changers. we log exact specifications for each bike that hits our lifts exactly like a dr. keeps a detailed file on you. armed with this extensive information we are able to come to you with options and solutions, not excuses.
using this approach we easily recognize problems before they compound into larger component or system failures.
we identify problems.
contact you with solutions, not excuses.
remedy the problem.

Performance Twin
street twin

we have a strong focus on performance without sacrificing any of a bike's strength or reliability. power means nothing if it doesn't stand the test of time so we perform dyno tuning camshaft installations with various engine packages that are specifically tailored to each of our customer's needs and riding styles.
we offer several budget friendly packages but can also go all the way to complete insanity.

more attitude + smiles per gallon.

the cylinder head is where the magic happens. this area of the build makes or breaks the potential of any engine combination. a motor is nothing more than an air pump and it's all about filling the cylinder effectively but more importantly efficiently. using various stages of cnc cylinder head porting we create the ideal port design to make sure your heads perform and compliment the displacement, or parts chosen, for your specific needs.
service​ ​includes​ ​new​ ​1.900"​ ​intake​ ​valves​ ​(.100”​ ​larger​ ​than​ ​stock),​ ​seals,​ ​bowl​ ​blend,​ ​and assembled​ ​with​ ​your​ ​stock​ ​springs​ ​and​ ​exhaust​ ​valves.
a ​good​ ​way​ ​to​ ​increase​ ​power​ ​and​ ​torque​ ​with​ ​a​ ​mostly​ ​stock​ ​application​ ​and​ ​a​ ​mild​ ​camshaft.
​service​ ​includes​ ​5-axis​ ​cnc ​porting,​ ​larger​ ​valves,​ ​new​ ​guides​ ​and​ ​seats,​ ​new​ ​higher​ ​lift single​ ​wound​ ​valve​ ​springs​ ​and​ ​retainers.​ ​
specific​ ​combustion​ ​chamber​ ​volume​ ​requirements.​​ ​​ ​
we​'ve​ ​easily​, ​and​ ​consistently​, ​obtained​ ​over​ ​100hp​/​torque​ ​reliably​ ​with​ ​most​ ​engine packages​ ​that​ ​run​ ​this​ ​combination​ ​head.
service​ ​includes​ ​5-axis​ ​cnc ​porting,​ ​larger​ ​valves​ ​up​ ​to​ ​2.00”​ ​intake​ ​for​ ​required​ ​applications, new​ ​guides​ ​and​ ​seats,​ ​new​ ​higher​ ​lift​ ​dual-coil​ ​or​ ​single​ ​wound​ ​springs​ ​and​ ​retainers.​ ​Handles up​ ​to​ ​.675”​ ​Cams.​ ​
specific​ ​combustion​ ​chamber​ ​volume​ ​requirements.
* exact​ ​specifications​ ​vary​ ​and​ ​will​ ​be​ ​determined​ ​upon​ ​consultation. ​
we​ ​reserved​ ​this​ ​combo​ ​for​ ​the​ ​motor​ ​that​ ​rocks​ ​out​ ​with​ ​its​ ​cock​ ​out.​ ​pussies​ ​will​ ​never​ ​be heros​ ​and​ ​the​ ​sky’s​ ​the​ ​limit​ ​with​ ​these​ ​heads​ ​and​ ​will​ ​feed​ ​the​ ​most​ ​demanding​ ​of​ ​race applications​ ​or​ ​the​ ​biggest​ ​displacements​ ​you​ ​could​ ​dream​ ​of.

timken bearing conversions

a common known problem in the harley davidson twin-cam engines is their use of an ina style roller bearing in the left side of the crankcase in 2003 and up motors. these twin cam models were assembled with straight roller bearings instead of the timken tapered roller bearings. the straight roller bearings will survive in the twin cam engine up to around the 100hp mark. beyond that, the flexing of the crankshaft at high rpm's can destroy the bearing. our solution is to discard the ina bearing and replace it with a timken bearing. timken makes the golden standard of bearings and are used in over 80% of cars in the united states.
we have the ability to convert a roller bearing crankcase to a full timken setup in house. your engine never has to leave our garage and when it's put back together you will have peace of mind and a bottom end that can handle anything you throw at it.
cam chest clearance

cam chest clearance becomes necessary when certain lifts are chosen, usually required in most motors when lifts reach or exceed .585”. this allows for sufficient lobe to case clearance.
we can professionally perform this task in house and return the cases to you quickly.
case boring

case boring allows the spigot on larger bore cylinders the room required to fit the larger cylinders. it is required when fitting 4” bore or larger jugs into a stock set of cases. this allows you to continue the use of your factory cases with the original serial #’s and build the perfect sleeper.
boring your cases to accept larger cylinders should be performed by trained personnel with proper equipment.

case boring

closed course
when you’re dedicated to the ¼ mile, there are two options - run with w.a.c. Cycles or get run over by us. we have been fortunate enough to be some of the select few to push the boundaries of these amazing machines for the past two decades. we carry all that experience with us in every build.
services we offer include:
piston kits
camshaft installing
complete motor assembly
crankshaft repairs and modifications
cylinder boring and replating
head porting and repair
extended swingarm installations
performance part sales
this is the option for the select few who have already dedicated their motorcycle to the track. with will’s decades of experience in the racing industry the sky’s the limit, it’s just a matter of how fast you want to go.
dedicated to the quarter mile.

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