TECH THAT EXPLOITS the potential of power.

we own 1 of 8 bazzaz principia S125LC chassis dynamometer currently in the usa. we have the first unit on the east coast allowing us to provide the most cutting edge performance level checks obtainable. the decision to add a bazzaz dynamometer to the wac cycles arsenal has us adding gains to our already proven combinations and allows us to exploit potential previously unobtainable. with technology this versatile we are now bending the rules even further.
creating horsepower is all about
bending rules.
fuel injection is here to stay, and its’ ushered in some serious advancements for fuel delivery which makes for some serious potential for power. the need to precisely measure this data has become necessary as fuel injection works in millisecond increments. and with 12 auxiliary channels to intercept data we are the best at exploiting maximum potential.

all data is physically measured, not interpolated
critically important for proper tuning
true engine rpm data allows for consistent results

intelligent ignition pick up system
one clip connection
critical for proper HP readings
far more consistent
allows quick power runs from rear wheel, if desired
chrome on glass encoder
allows static testing at lower engine RPM
most accurate and reliable method available
dynamic PID data
learns from the first hold point
capable of multiple testing methods
linear, step, or speed squared (for wind drag simulation)
user-defined step testing with no 'hunting' for signal
compare 3 charts at once incorporating numerous properties​
quickest data
far quicker data than any other dynamometer on the market
logs every 10 ms, monitoring forty different channels

fiber optic usb
10X more data in a cleaner, modern connection (compared to serial port)